Inspection program QMSOFT® / QM-COMP
The inspection program QMSOFT®/QM-COMP is designed for the inspection of gauge block coparator devices with the help of a special 11-piece-gauge block set. The inspection procedure is implemented to the German paper DKD-R 4-1 “Auswahl und Kalibrierung von Endmaßmessgeräten zur Verwendung als Normalgeräte in Kalibrierlaboratorien”.
Results can be produced on the screen and/or the printer and/or in a file. The nominal values of the gauge will be processed in connection with the inspection conditions and the measurement results in the results record. Tolerance excesses are marked and identified. It is possible to customize calibration certificates using the so called "certificate layout files" (templates).

The program can be started up directly from the QMSOFT®/QM-MANAGE gauge data management system. In this case it will receive all necessary nominal data necessary directly from the data base. At the end of the inspection the results and the calibration certificate will automatically be transferred back to the data base program.