Inspection program QMSOFT® / QM-PIN
The inspection program QMSOFT®/QM-PIN is designed for the computer aided inspection of cylindrical measuring pins (used as single pins or pin sets), thread check wires and sets of thread check wires used for the measurement of external threads according the "Three-wire-method", feeler gauges or other sets of gauges.
A complete set of thread check wires or measuring pins consist of a series of pins or wires with a defined step of the pins diameter. The program is able to manage all nominal sizes of a pin library and the results of measurements including all measuring values for each pin or wire. While inspecting cylindrical pins, the program is calculate for each pin the average, minimum and maximum values and tolerance excisions. The evaluation may be done according to the DIN 2269 standard as well as according your own factory standards.
The program QMSOFT®/QM-PIN does not contain the functionality for a gauge management or for the storage of the gauges history. This means that the complete functionality for the management of pin sets, the monitoring of the calibration date and the handling of the gauge history does additional require an additional licence for the program QMSOFT®/QM-MANAGE is required (either “professional edition" or "lite edition" version; the “lite edition” licence is usually an essential part of the “QMSOFT®/QM-PIN” package).

Results can be produced on the screen and/or the printer and/or in a file. The nominal values of the gauge will be processed in connection with the inspection conditions and the measurement results in the results record. Tolerance excesses are marked and identified. It is possible to customize calibration certificates using the so called "certificate layout files" (templates).
The program can be started up directly from the QMSOFT®/QM-MANAGE gauge data management system. In this case it will receive all necessary nominal data necessary directly from the data base. At the end of the inspection the results and the calibration certificate will automatically be transferred back to the data base program.